Château Barbeyrolles


Phone & email

+33 (0)4-94-56-33-58

Wine tasting & tour

Wine tasting by walk-in during opening hours
Tour by appointment only from April to October


Château Barbeyrolles, Presqu’île de St Tropez, 83580 Gassin, France

GPS Coordinates
Latitude : 43.2381701
Longitude : 6.595126599999958
Latitude : N 43° 14′ 17.412″
Longitude : E 6° 35′ 42.455″


From November to Easter:
Our shop is opened from Monday to Friday
From 9am to 5pm – Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays

From Easter to the end of September:
Our shop is opened from Monday to Saturday
From 9am to 7pm – Closed on Sundays and May 1st

In October:
From Monday to Saturday
From 9am to 6pm

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